If the video is a wee bit too fast for you, then here's a short explanation:
Starbucks, along with other very smart companies, sell expensive products because they state that they offer good salaries to their providers and employees (eg. farmers in the Amazon who are producing coffee beans), which is just making sure that the whole process of turning coffee into a Starbuck drink is as clean as a baby's bottom.
On the other hand, giving money to the legless homie every morning, just so you feel happy with yourself while looking in the mirror, is the same as paying him to continue to be mizerable.
The basic principle is that if you want to do something good in this world, whatever you ruin with one hand, build with the other. Every time you feel bad about drinking coke that's made from the sweat and tears of children from Africa, or wear a pair of Nikes sewed by Chinese malnourished parents, better put a coin in your piggybank and at the end of the month buy a pair of shoes to a kid in Malawi. At least.
Don't make useless charity, buy smart!
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