Friday, September 10, 2010


Hello everybody!

Bibi here. Along with Chika (the piggy), Tako (the purple octopussy), Bubbles (my pet monkey) and Mogura (the mole). Yes, I have a pet monkey. Today I've started my blog. No, it's not a real monkey. And before anything else, here's a *FAQ, so be sure to read, thanks! ^_^

1. Hey, Bibi, why're you writing in English?
Because all my friends can speak English, but not all my friends can speak Romanian.

2. Why did you decide to make a blog?
Because all my friends have been asking about me every day, what I'm doing in Bucharest, how am I feeling, what new things have I experienced etc... So, in order for SC.Bibi.aka.Molkisha.SRL to be prosperous I've decided to take all the demands into consideration and build a company site, regulary updated and with free traffic.

3. Are there any rules?
Only one. I'ts my blog and I can do anything I want, so deal with it :P

4. Are you single?
Yes. But I only date tall, slim, effeminated asian men, with long hair, beautiful nails and who hate chocolate (so I don't have to share). Capisci? I don't make compromises :P

5. Who else reads your blog?
Aliens I hope.

NOTE! Whoever wants to ask me something, please go ahead, any time!

C'est tout. Enjoy!

*FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions.


  1. Anonymous1:45 AM

    why do you feel the need to share you're life and thoughts to a mute crowd, to a faceless mob, to an imaginary "elite" people? what makes you so special? what makes you so special to read about? thousands of blogs, millions of persons just like you sharing to a blank wall their entire life.everything is out there allready. for what purpose?

  2. The answer is in the post. See the FAQ #2.

    But just for the record, if I were special, I wouldn't be writing blogs now, I'd be living my special existence :) But my friends really want to hear me out, keep in touch with me, see what I've been up to lately.
    And no, actually everything is NOT out there. Since I've moved to Bucharest, nobody knows about me more than "how are you Bibs?" -- "I'm ok". Nobody has been the witness of my existence. Don't we all crave for a "someone" to remember us after we've passed away?
