Saturday, September 24, 2011

Japan. Day 1.

And here I am.
Riding the wind in a 747.
I can see nothing but the clouds.
I can feel it in my chest how the plane is starting to descend.

They say Heaven  is in the sky.
But this time I feel as if Heaven is actually all about falling into the void full of sweet pleasures.

Remember how, when you dream, you feel like floating, and then when you wake up, you feel as if you fall into your own body?
The same thing happeneed to me when I started seeing the fine contour of the land beneath me.
Sukoshi zutsu, the lines are getting clearer, and I can see the detailes... boats... trees... other airplanes...

I can hear my  own heart beat, don, don,... don..... and then...

Closer and closer... closer to the ground... so close... my heart is about to explode....
All I can hear is the noise of the plane.

And then my breath stopped. I skipped a beat.

I can now feel the Japanese land under me...

I have reached Japan.

I can't believe it.

I have touched Heaven.
And it's real.
So real.

All I can think is that I have reached my dream.
Now whatever happens, I am not afraid of dying.
As I have lived a happy life.

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